Everything you want in a merch platform

Built for reliability, scalability, and affordability.

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Crafting the essence of your brand into tangible designs that resonate with your audience.

Personal Designer

Collaborate one-on-one with our expert designers to bring your vision to life.

Team Collaboration

Enable your team to come together, share feedback, and iterate on designs in real time.

Brand Asset Integration

Seamlessly integrate your existing brand assets, like logos and color schemes, into your merchandise designs for consistent branding.


Quality production that resonates with your brand value and your audience.

Bulk Pricing

Enjoy unbeatable prices with our bulk purchasing options, ensuring quality and reducing costs.

Sustainable & Local

Locally sourced and sustainable product offerings.

Swag Bags & Boxes

Leave a lasting brand impression with personalized, branded packages.


Ensuring timely, accurate, and hassle-free delivery to your customers, employees, and fans.

$1 Order Fulfillment

Streamline your order process with efficient, cost-effective, and hands-free merch fulfillment services.


Seamlessly integrate with your online store to create a unified shoping experience.

Inventory Management

Stay ahead with real-time inventory tracking and management, giving you confidence.


Send gifts to your customers, employees, and fans using a seamless branded experience.

Team Store

Equip your team with branded merch on a centralized online platform.

Loyalty & Referral Programs

Reward your fans automatically for their loyalty and referrals.


The most successful merchandise programs in the world have access to the best tools — and now so do you.

Automated Reordering

Simplify your inventory management with automated reordering options, ensuring you’re always stocked up on popular items.

Customer Insights

Gain valuable insights from customer feedback and purchasing trends to optimize your future merchandise offerings.

Seasonal Updates

Keep your merchandise fresh and relevant with seasonal updates, aligning with trends and special events.

Exclusive Promotions

Engage your loyal customers with exclusive promotions and limited edition releases to drive repeat business.

Performance Analytics

Track the performance of your merchandise with our analytics tools to make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

Ongoing Support

Benefit from Stitchi’s ongoing customer support to continuously refine and improve your merchandise strategies.