Published Apr 4, 2024 ⦁ 11 min read
Integrating Newsletter Referral Programs with Ecommerce

Integrating Newsletter Referral Programs with Ecommerce

Integrating a newsletter referral program with your ecommerce strategy can significantly boost your business by leveraging the power of word-of-mouth. Here's a quick breakdown of what you need to know:

  • Benefits: Increased sales, lower acquisition costs, and a stronger brand community.
  • Best Practices: Ensure a seamless user experience, choose incentivizing reward structures, and promote your program effectively.
  • Common Mistakes: Avoid poor incentive structures, insufficient promotion, and overcomplicated signup processes.
  • Tools: Consider using Partnero, Viral Loops, or SparkLoop for easier integration.

This approach taps into the trust between friends, making it a cost-effective way to attract loyal customers and grow your subscriber base.


A newsletter referral program is when you give your current subscribers a special link that they can share with their friends and family. If someone signs up using that link, the person who shared it gets a reward. This could be things like discounts, free stuff, or special content. A system keeps track of who referred who. This way, your newsletter gets more subscribers through people spreading the word.

Benefits for Ecommerce

Saves You Money on Getting Subscribers

  • People who sign up through a friend are more likely to stick around, and it doesn't cost you as much as ads.
  • Rewards for referrals are cheaper than paying for ads.
  • Each new subscriber could become a long-term customer.

More People Know About Your Brand

  • Friends of subscribers are more likely to read and share your stuff.
  • This helps more people find out about your brand.

Your Customers Stick Around Longer

  • People who share your newsletter feel important.
  • Friends who sign up are more likely to keep buying from you.
  • This means more sales over time.

You Can Reach a Lot More People

  • Your subscribers have lots of friends who can see your brand.
  • There's no limit to how many people they can tell.
  • New subscribers might start sharing too.

Overall, by using newsletter referral programs, online stores can get more people interested in what they're selling without spending a lot of money. It's all about using the power of friends telling friends.

Why Integrate Newsletter Referral Programs with Ecommerce?

Integrating newsletter referral programs with ecommerce can really boost your sales and save you money on getting new subscribers.

Increased Sales

When people recommend your store to their friends, those friends are likely to buy more and keep coming back. For instance, friends who are recommended to your store might spend 32% more on their first purchase than others. Over three years, they could end up spending 18% more in total.

Lower Acquisition Costs

Getting new subscribers through a referral program can be super cheap, costing only $0.17 for each new person, compared to $1-3 through regular ads or paying influencers.

If you have a referral program and 1,000 subscribers, with just 10% of them referring friends, you could make an extra $8,500 without spending much on marketing.

Best Practices for Integration

1. Seamless User Experience

When you add a refer-a-friend program to your online shop, make it easy and smooth for customers. Here’s how:

  • Let customers find their special link to share with friends and see their rewards right in their account area. This keeps them shopping without any hiccups.
  • Add buttons for easy sharing on important pages like the checkout or account page. Give them ready-to-go messages so they can share with a click.
  • Show how well they’re doing with referrals and what they’ve earned where they can easily see it, like on their account page. This encourages them to share more.
  • Make sure when a friend signs up, it feels just like any other sign-up. Keep your look the same and only ask for needed info.

2. Reward Structure

Picking the right rewards is all about finding what excites your customers but doesn’t break the bank:

Reward Cost Effort Motivation
Discount Off Next Purchase Low Low High
Free Shipping Low Low Medium
Exclusive Early Access Low High Low
Free Product High Low High

Discounts and free shipping are easy to love and easy to give. Special access is cool for some but not for everyone. Free stuff is awesome but can cost you more.

3. Promotion Strategies

Get the word out in smart ways:

  • After Buying: Send a thank you email and remind them to share your store with friends.
  • On Your Site: Use banners to tell everyone about your referral program.
  • Social Media Contests: Get people excited by having contests that reward sharing.
  • In the Box: Put referral codes in your product packaging to encourage sharing right after unboxing.

4. Leveraging Customer Data

Use what you know about your customers to make your referral program hit home:

  • Send deals that match what they like or have bought before. This makes your offer more tempting.
  • Tell them how close they are to getting their next reward. This pushes them to refer more.
  • Show them the difference they’ve made with their referrals. It’s nice to see how much they’ve helped.

5. Utilizing Ecommerce Platforms

Making your program work smoothly with your online store is key:

  • Shopify users can try apps like ReferralCandy for an easy start.
  • WooCommerce users have options like Referral System for WooCommerce.
  • Use the tech your store is built on to make sharing and rewards fit right into your site.

Keeping things simple, offering good rewards, spreading the word, using what you know about your customers, and making sure your tech works together are the best ways to make your referral program a hit.

Case Studies

Here are some real-life stories of shops that did a great job adding a program for customers to recommend them to friends:

Outdoor Voices

The company Outdoor Voices sells outdoor clothes and came up with a plan where if you get your friends to sign up for their emails or buy something, you get store credit.


  • More than 30% of their new email sign-ups and buyers were from friends telling friends.
  • People who were referred spent 15% more than other customers.
  • This friend-telling-friend approach helped them grow their revenue from $2 million to $15 million.

Key Takeaways:

  • Giving rewards for different levels of referrals keeps customers interested.
  • Making it easy for customers to share right from the website makes a big difference.
  • Making sure customers see where to share helps a lot.


The mattress company Casper gives $75 in rewards to both the person who shares and the friend when the friend buys their first mattress.


  • They made an extra $21 million in sales.
  • It cost them 50% less to get new customers this way than other methods.
  • This method brought in 16% of their new customers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Giving rewards to both the sharer and the friend makes people more likely to share.
  • Focusing on getting friends to buy something gives better returns.
  • Making it easy for people to share right after they buy something helps a lot.

Milk Road

The cooking site Milk Road gives subscribers more free trial time when they successfully refer friends.


  • Over 15% of their new subscribers came from referrals.
  • They saw a big jump in people moving from free to paid memberships.
  • People who joined because of a friend stayed longer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rewards that are closely related to what you're selling work really well.
  • Focusing on keeping customers rather than just getting new ones is smart.
  • Offering more rewards for more referrals keeps people sharing.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When you mix a newsletter referral program with your online store, you can see some great benefits. But, there are a few common slip-ups you should watch out for. Steering clear of these errors will help make sure your program is successful.

Poor Incentive Structure

Not picking the right rewards can lead to a program that doesn't excite people to share.

Examples of not-so-great rewards:

  • Making it too hard to get a reward - like asking for too many friends to sign up before getting anything
  • Offering rewards that don't really matter to your customers
  • Not giving bigger and better rewards for more shares

What you should do instead:

  • Give immediate discounts that customers can use right away
  • Offer free shipping, which is always a win but doesn't cost you much
  • Have better rewards ready for those who refer more friends

Picking rewards that people actually want is key.

Lack of Promotion

If you don't tell people about your referral program, it won't do much. You need to spread the word.

How to let everyone know:

  • Send emails that talk about your referral program
  • Put up signs and messages on your website about earning rewards
  • Share stories of people who've earned rewards on social media

Keep talking about it in different ways and places to make sure people hear about it.

Overcomplicated Sign Up

If signing up is hard or confusing, people won't bother.

How to make it easy:

  • Make sure the sign-up page looks like the rest of your website
  • Just ask for the basics - name and email
  • Send a quick email to confirm they've signed up

Keep it simple. If it feels like a hassle, people will give up.

Avoiding these mistakes - like picking bad rewards, not talking about your program, and making sign-up a pain - are key steps to make your referral program work well.

Tools and Software for Integration

To make your newsletter referral program work well with your online shop, it helps to use the right tools. Here are some good options:


Partnero is made for online stores and helps you:

  • Set up special links so customers can easily share your shop.
  • Automatically give rewards when friends sign up or buy something.
  • Keep track of who's sharing and how it's helping your shop.

It works nicely with Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce.

Viral Loops

With Viral Loops, you can:

  • Build a simple page where people sign up to share your shop.
  • Send emails automatically to invite friends or say thank you.
  • See how your sharing program is doing and make it better.

It connects with different online shop platforms and email services.



SparkLoop is all about getting people to talk about your shop. It lets you:

  • Send emails automatically to encourage sharing.
  • Offer cool rewards for both the person sharing and their friends.
  • Look at the numbers to see how much sharing is helping your sales.

It fits right in with the top online shop setups.

Using these tools can make your referral program run smoothly without having to figure everything out yourself. They help you set things up fast and keep an eye on how well it's working.


Having a program where your current subscribers can tell their friends about your newsletter is a smart move for online shops. It's like when a friend tells you about a great new place to shop, you're more likely to check it out and trust it. Here's what you should remember:

  • People are more likely to sign up for your newsletter if a friend tells them about it. There's a good chance, about 32% on average, that they'll join.
  • It's cheaper to get new subscribers this way. You might spend less than 20 cents for each new person compared to $1 to $3 with ads.
  • Friends who join through a referral tend to stick around longer and are happier customers.
  • Adding this program to your online store makes it easy for people to share. And using the right tools helps you keep track of everything without much hassle.

So, if you're running an online shop, think about starting a program like this. You just need to give good rewards, make sharing simple, watch how it's doing, and adjust as needed. It could end up being a really cost-effective way to get more customers.

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