Published Jul 29, 2024 ⦁ 11 min read
Custom Shirts for My Business: Design Tips for Branding

Custom Shirts for My Business: Design Tips for Branding

Want to boost your business branding with custom shirts? Here's a quick guide to get you started:

  1. Know your brand identity
  2. Pick the right shirt style
  3. Choose colors that match your logo
  4. Place and size your logo correctly
  5. Add text and fonts that fit your brand
  6. Include graphics that represent your business
  7. Choose the best printing method
  8. Test your design before ordering
  9. Order and produce your shirts
Design Element Key Considerations
Shirt Style T-shirt, polo, button-down
Colors Match logo, use color psychology
Logo Placement Left chest, center chest, back
Fonts Simple, bold, easy to read
Graphics Eye-catching, relevant to brand
Printing Method Screen printing, DTG, heat transfer

Remember to keep your design simple, consistent with your brand, and appealing to your target audience. Test your design before ordering in bulk to ensure quality and customer satisfaction.

Know Your Brand Identity

Define Your Brand's Values

Before making custom shirts, think about what your brand stands for. Your brand is more than just a logo - it's what your business is all about. Ask yourself:

  • What does your business aim to do?
  • What's important to your company?
  • How do you want customers to see your brand?

Identify Your Target Audience

Knowing who you're making shirts for helps you create designs they'll like. Think about:

  • Who are your main customers?
  • What problems do they have that your business can fix?
  • What kind of designs would they enjoy?

Match Shirt Design with Brand Strategy

Your shirt design should fit with your other marketing efforts. Consider:

Question Examples
How will you use the shirts? Employee uniforms, giveaways
What's the main message? Company slogan, product feature
How does it fit with other marketing? Same colors as website, matching logo

Make sure your shirt design goes well with your overall brand look and message. This helps create a clear picture of your business for customers.

Pick the Right Shirt Style

Choosing the best shirt style for your business is key. The style affects how people see your brand. Let's look at what to think about, the types of shirts you can choose from, and how to pick good fabric.

Things to Think About

Before you pick a shirt style, ask yourself:

  • What are the shirts for? (Work uniforms, events, everyday wear)
  • Who will wear them? (Workers, customers, specific age groups)
  • Where will they be worn? (Hot or cold places, rough or gentle use)

These questions help you pick a shirt that works well and shows off your brand.

Types of Shirts

You can choose from different shirt types:

Shirt Type What It's Like Good For
T-Shirts Simple, comfy Casual events, everyday wear
Polo Shirts Has a collar and buttons Work uniforms, events
Button-Down Shirts More formal, buttons down the front Business meetings, formal events

Each type has good and bad points. T-shirts are comfy but might not work for formal events. Polo shirts look a bit nicer but might not be as comfy as t-shirts.

Pick Good Fabric

The fabric of your shirt matters too. You want something comfy and long-lasting. Here are some options:

  • Cotton: Breathes well, feels nice
  • Polyester: Easy to clean, doesn't wrinkle much
  • Blends: Mix of cotton and polyester, gives you both good points

Think about where the shirts will be worn when you pick the fabric. For hot places, breathable fabric like cotton might be best.

Choose Colors

Why Color Matters in Branding

Colors are important for your brand. They can:

  • Make people feel certain ways
  • Send messages about your business
  • Help people remember your brand

When picking colors for your shirts, think about what you want people to feel and think about your business.

Make sure the colors on your shirts go well with your logo. This helps create a clear picture of your brand. If you're putting your business name and logo on the shirts, pick a shirt color that makes them stand out.

Use Color Psychology

Different colors can make people feel different things. Here's what some colors might make people think:

Color What it might make people think
Blue Trust, calm
Red Energy, excitement
Green Nature, growth
Yellow Happiness, warmth

Think about what you want people to feel when they see your shirts.

Good Color Combinations for Shirts

Here are some color pairs that work well on shirts:

Colors Good for
Navy Blue and White Business events
Black and Bright Green Getting attention
Gray and Blue Looking smart and trustworthy

Pick colors that fit your business and what you want people to think about it.

Best Spots for Logos

When putting your logo on a custom shirt, think about these common places:

Spot Details
Left chest Popular, looks professional
Center chest Easy to see, looks balanced
Full back Good for big logos
Sleeve Different, can be eye-catching
Right chest Less common, but still works

For the left chest, put the logo 7"-9" down from the left shoulder seam or 4"-6" right of center.

Logo Size Tips

Make sure your logo is big enough to see, but not too big. Here's a quick guide:

Placement Good Size
Left chest 2"-3" wide
Center chest Up to 4" wide
Full back Up to 4" wide

A good rule is to keep logos between 3"-4" wide and 2"-3" tall.

Make It Look Good

Your logo should fit well with the rest of the shirt design. Here are some tips:

  • Don't make the logo too big or too small
  • Make sure the logo stands out from the shirt color
  • Try different spots and sizes to see what looks best

Add Text and Fonts

Choose the Right Fonts

Picking good fonts for your shirt design is important. Here are some options:

Font Type Examples Best For
Simple Montserrat, Graduate Clean look
Bold Shrikhand, Special Elite Eye-catching designs
Easy to read Helvetica, Oswald Clear messages
Elegant Archivo Narrow, Butler Stylish designs

Make Text Easy to Read

When adding text to your shirt:

  • Use clear, simple fonts
  • Make sure it's big enough to read from far away
  • Pick fonts that match your brand style

Add Slogans Effectively

Tips for adding slogans:

  • Keep it short and simple
  • Make sure it stands out from the shirt color
  • Try different places on the shirt to see what looks best
Slogan Placement Pros Cons
Center chest Easy to see Can be too big
Left chest Looks professional Might be hard to read
Back Good for longer slogans Not visible from front

Include Graphics and Images

Create Eye-Catching Visuals

Adding graphics and images to your custom shirt can make it stand out. Here are some tips:

  • Keep it simple: Don't use too many pictures. Focus on a few that show what your business is about.
  • Use clear images: Make sure your pictures look good and aren't blurry.
  • Try different designs: Test a few ideas to see what looks best.
Design Type What It Is Why It Works
Simple Clean design with few graphics Looks professional
Picture-based Uses drawings to show an idea Makes people remember your shirt
Photo-based Uses real photos Makes the shirt look real and interesting

Make It Simple but Good

Your design should catch people's eye but not be too busy. Here's how:

  • Use few colors: Pick 2-3 colors that match your business look.
  • Don't add too much: Keep your design simple with just a few main parts.
  • Put things in the right spot: Make sure your design looks balanced on the shirt.

Use Pictures That Fit Your Business

Pick images that show what your business is about:

  • Show what you believe in: Use pictures that match what your business stands for.
  • Think about who will see it: Choose images your customers will like.
  • Look the same everywhere: Make sure your shirt design matches your other business stuff, like your website.
Image Type Example Why Use It
Logo Your business symbol People will know it's your shirt
Product picture Photo of what you sell Shows what you do
Mascot Character that represents your business Makes your brand fun

Choose Printing Methods

Types of Printing Methods

There are three main ways to print designs on custom shirts:

  1. Screen Printing: Uses a screen for each color in the design
  2. Direct-to-Garment (DTG) Printing: Prints directly onto the shirt with a digital printer
  3. Heat Transfer: Prints the design on special paper, then transfers it to the shirt with heat

How Each Method Works

Method How It Works Best For
Screen Printing Makes a screen for each color, then prints on shirt Simple designs, big orders
DTG Printing Uses a digital printer to put design right on shirt Complex designs, small orders
Heat Transfer Prints on special paper, then puts on shirt with heat Many types of designs

Pick the Best Method for Your Shirts

To choose the right printing method, think about:

  • How many colors are in your design?
  • How many shirts do you need?
  • What kind of shirt are you using?
If You Have Consider Using
Simple design, few colors Screen printing
Complex design, many colors DTG printing
Small order, different designs Heat transfer

Test Your Design

Make Mock-ups and Samples

To see how your design looks on a shirt, make mock-ups and samples. This helps you check if the design looks good and fix any problems. You can use computer programs or order a real sample shirt.

Method How to Do It Why It's Helpful
Digital Mock-ups Use programs like Adobe Photoshop See design without printing
Physical Samples Order a test shirt from your printer Feel and see the real product

Get Feedback and Make Changes

After making mock-ups and samples, ask others what they think. This helps you make the design better.

Who to ask:

  • Coworkers
  • Friends
  • People who might buy your shirts

Listen to what they say and fix any problems with the design.

Check Quality and Consistency

Make sure your design looks good on every shirt. Check for:

  • Clear printing
  • Same look on all shirts
  • No mistakes in the design
What to Check Why It's Important
Design clarity Ensures the design is easy to see
Consistency Makes sure all shirts look the same
Shirt quality Checks if the shirt feels good to wear

Order and Produce

Decide on Quantity and Sizes

When ordering custom shirts, you need to figure out how many to get and what sizes. This helps you plan your budget and shipping. Think about:

  • How many people will be at your event?
  • How many workers need shirts?
  • How many shirts do you need for marketing?
Order Size Number of Shirts Good For
Small 1-50 Small events, small teams
Medium 51-200 Medium events, bigger teams
Large 201-500 Big events, large teams

Work with Suppliers and Printers

To get good custom shirts, you need to work with good suppliers and printers. Look for:

  • Suppliers with comfy, long-lasting shirts
  • Printers who can do different types of printing
  • Companies that answer your questions quickly
What to Look For Why It's Important
Good quality shirts Shirts will last longer
Different printing options You can choose the best way to print your design
Good customer service You can get help when you need it

Check the Quality

Make sure your shirts look good before you give them out. Here's how:

  • Look at the shirts before printing to make sure they're not damaged
  • Check the printing to make sure it looks right
  • Look at the finished shirts one last time before sending them out
When to Check What to Look For
Before printing No holes or stains
During printing Clear design, good ink
After printing No problems with the finished shirts


Review Key Design Tips

When making custom shirts for your business, remember these main points:

Tip What to Do
Know your brand Think about what your business stands for
Pick the right shirt Choose a style that fits your brand
Use good colors Match your logo and pick colors your customers like
Place your logo well Put it where people can see it easily
Add clear text Use easy-to-read fonts that match your brand
Use good pictures Add images that show what your business is about

Keep Branding the Same

It's important to make all your business stuff look the same. This helps people remember your brand. Here's how:

  • Use the same logo on all your things
  • Stick to the same colors
  • Use the same type of writing
Where to Use Your Brand Examples
Online Website, social media
Ads Posters, TV commercials
Products Shirts, bags, pens

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