Published Apr 2, 2024 ⦁ 15 min read
Creative Branded Merchandise: Sustainability Focus

Creative Branded Merchandise: Sustainability Focus

In today's world, making and giving away promotional items can have a big impact on our planet, from creating waste to using up precious resources. However, it's possible to create branded merchandise that's both creative and kind to the Earth. Here's a quick rundown:

  • Sustainability is Key: More shoppers prefer eco-friendly freebies, making sustainability a critical focus for brands.
  • Stitchi's Green Efforts: From using renewable energy in production to choosing sustainable materials like bamboo and recycled plastics, Stitchi is leading by example in eco-friendly merchandising.
  • Environmental Challenges: Traditional merchandise contributes significantly to waste, carbon emissions, and resource depletion.
  • Sustainable Solutions: Opting for materials and production methods that minimize environmental impact is crucial.
  • Success Stories: Brands like Mountain Trails and The Rainbow School have successfully embraced green promotional items with Stitchi's help.
  • Future Innovations: Advances in materials science and circular production models promise even greater sustainability in merchandising.

The move towards sustainable merchandising involves making conscious choices about materials, production methods, and overall impact, ensuring that promotional items showcase a brand's values without harming the planet.

Stitchi's Sustainability Mission

Stitchi takes being green very seriously, especially when making promotional items. We always look for materials and ways to make things that are kinder to the Earth.

Our places for making and sending products use clean energy and try not to waste anything. We even make sure the delivery of items doesn't add extra pollution by balancing it out.

We work with suppliers who also care about the planet and tell our customers exactly how we're doing it. This way, they can be sure their promotional items help their own green goals. By working together, we can change the way merchandise is made, focusing on taking care of our planet.

The Environmental Impact of Traditional Merchandise

Waste Production

Most of the stuff we get for free, like plastic cups or foam gadgets, ends up creating a lot of trash. Every year, the world makes over 300 million tons of plastic trash. A big chunk of this, 36%, comes from packaging. When companies use new plastics and other materials that can't be reused for their freebies, these items often end up in big trash piles, making the waste problem worse.

Here are some numbers about waste from free stuff:

  • In the US, plastic bags and foam packing add up to over 60 million tons of trash each year.
  • Only 9% of plastic trash in the US is recycled. The rest, including plastic promotional items, goes to landfills or gets left in nature.
  • The US makes over 10 billion free promotional items every year. Most of these have parts that won't break down naturally.

Carbon Emissions

Making and moving all these freebies around also puts a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air:

  • Making synthetic fabrics releases over 1 ton of CO2 for every ton of material made.
  • Shipping products all over the world with ships, planes, and trucks adds millions of tons of greenhouse gases to the air.
  • Throwing away items that can't break down, either by burning them or burying them, also releases CO2.

Experts think the industry that makes free promotional items puts out over 50 million tons of CO2 every year.

Resource Depletion

A lot of promotional items use up resources that we can't get back easily:

  • Plastics made from oil use about 4% of the world's oil production.
  • Growing cotton uses 2.6% of the water we have, which is already not enough for everyone.
  • Making synthetic rubber and polyester needs fossil fuels, too.

As we want more and more of these items, we're using up resources faster than the Earth can replace them.


Making all these freebies also creates a lot of pollution:

  • The chemicals used to dye, bleach, and finish products end up in the water, making it dirty.
  • Burning plastics and foam releases harmful chemicals into the air.
  • Trash like plastic bags and foam bits end up in rivers and oceans, polluting the water.

We need to act fast to stop the pollution from making and throwing away all these promotional items.

The Sustainable Solution

Sustainable Materials

Stitchi picks materials that are good for the planet, like bamboo, organic cotton, and recycled plastics, to make better merchandise.

Here are some examples:

  • Bamboo: A fast-growing grass that doesn't need harmful chemicals. It uses less water and helps stop trees from being cut down.
  • Organic cotton: This is cotton grown without bad chemicals, which keeps farmers safe and cuts down on pollution. It also helps keep the soil healthy.
  • Recycled polyester: Made from old plastic bottles and waste that's cleaned and turned into new polyester. This keeps plastic out of dumps and uses fewer resources than making new polyester.

These materials are better than the usual stuff like new polyester and regular cotton because they don't pollute as much. They also don't use up as many of the Earth's resources since they can be grown again or recycled.

Sustainable Production

Stitchi's partners use smarter ways to make branded merchandise that's less harmful to the environment:

  • Renewable energy: Factories use energy from the sun and wind to help power their operations, which reduces pollution from making things.
  • Efficient machinery: New machines do the job better using less water and energy.
  • Safe workplaces: Factories are kept safe and healthy for the people working there. This includes clean air, safety equipment, fair work hours, and proper pay.

By using clean energy, better machines, and taking care of workers, Stitchi's partners are leading the way in making merchandise in a way that's better for the planet.

Success Stories

Stitchi helps brands make their promotional items more green, using materials and ways of making things that are better for the planet. Here are stories of customers who've done a great job of this with Stitchi's help.

Stitchi Customer 1

Mountain Trails, a company that makes outdoor clothes, wanted to show they care about the planet. They worked with Stitchi to make branded t-shirts from organic cotton and recycled polyester.

  • Challenge: Make promotional t-shirts less harmful to the environment but still high quality.
  • Solution: Used shirts made from 95% organic cotton and 5% recycled polyester. The shirts were colored with a gentle digital printing method.
  • Impact:
    • T-shirts produced 89% less carbon than regular shirts.
    • Helped show the company's green mission to customers.
    • Sales went up by 14% after they started selling the green shirts.

By making their promotional items green, Mountain Trails made their brand stronger and increased their sales.

Stitchi Customer 2

The Rainbow School teaches about being green and saving nature. For their yearly fundraising, they wanted items to give away that were eco-friendly and fit their budget.

  • Challenge: Find eco-friendly, useful giveaway items without spending a lot.
  • Solution: Made reusable shopping bags from recycled plastic bottles. The bags encourage less waste.
  • Impact:
    • The bags kept over 5,000 plastic bottles out of dumps.
    • Showed the school's serious about being green.
    • Helped get 35% more money in donations.

With Stitchi's help in using green materials and making things in a better way for the Earth, The Rainbow School shared its values and raised more money.

The Stitchi Sustainability Platform


Stitchi offers design options that focus on using materials that are good for the planet, like organic cotton, bamboo, and recycled polyester. These options make it easier for brands to make their products eco-friendly from the start.

Some features include:

  • Material selection: You can pick from different materials that are kind to the Earth.
  • Production method filters: Choose designs based on how they're made, like using less water or clean energy.
  • Green certifications: Designs come with labels that prove they're made in a way that's good for the planet.

By making the design process focus on eco-friendly choices, Stitchi makes it simpler to create products that don't harm the environment.


Stitchi checks that all its partners follow strict rules about being eco-friendly. This includes what materials they use, how they make things, and making sure their workplaces are safe.

Key things they look for in partners include:

  • Eco-friendly materials: Things like organic cotton and recycled polyester.
  • Renewable energy: Using energy from the sun or wind.
  • Efficiency: Using machines that don't waste resources.
  • Workplace safety: Making sure the places where things are made are safe and fair.

Stitchi makes it easy to produce things in a way that's good for the planet. They also put orders together to save on resources.


Stitchi's way of sending out orders focuses on being eco-friendly:

  • Packaging: Uses boxes made from recycled cardboard and mailers that can break down naturally. No plastic fillers.
  • Consolidated shipping: Sends orders together to cut down on pollution. Includes ways to make up for the pollution caused.
  • Local providers: Uses centers close by to reduce how far things need to travel.
  • Analytics: Gives information on how each order impacts the environment.

From start to finish, Stitchi makes it easy to create and send out products that match up with being eco-friendly.


Overcoming Challenges


Making green products can cost more at first. This is because materials that are good for the earth can be pricier, and setting up ways to use clean energy takes a lot of money.

But, Stitchi buys a lot of these materials at once, which helps us get a better deal. This means we can sell eco-friendly items for about the same price as regular ones, but they're made in a way that's better for the planet.

We also show how choosing green can help businesses in the long run. Happy customers and more sales often make up for the extra money spent at the start.


Stitchi makes sure the companies we get our materials from really care about the planet. We check on things like:

  • What materials they use
  • How they use energy
  • How much they pollute
  • If they treat their workers well
  • If they're good to their community

We keep a close eye on these companies to make sure they keep doing the right thing. We have more than 50 partners around the world that we know are doing a great job.

This makes it easier for businesses to find the right place to get their eco-friendly items made.

Scaling Complexity

When a business gets bigger, it's harder to keep everything eco-friendly. Stitchi's system makes this much simpler.

Businesses can pick green materials, find out where things can be made, put orders together to save resources, figure out the environmental impact, buy offsets for any pollution they cause, and get things sent out in a green way.

We also have tools that let businesses see how green their choices are. This helps them make even better choices in the future.

With Stitchi, businesses can make and send out green items no matter how big they get, without losing focus on what they do best.

The Future of Sustainable Merchandising

Materials Science Advances

The stuff we use to make promotional products is getting better thanks to new discoveries. Scientists are working on materials from plants, mushrooms, and even lab-grown fibers that are kinder to the environment:

  • Bioplastics come from plants like corn and sugarcane. They're much better for the air because they create a lot less pollution than old-school plastics. As we get better at making them, bioplastics could take over.
  • Mycelium is basically mushroom roots. It can be shaped into things like leather or packaging without using nasty chemicals. Plus, it completely breaks down when you're done with it.
  • Lab-grown textile fibers are like cotton, silk, and cashmere but made in a lab. This method saves a ton of water and avoids the mess of traditional farming.

As these new materials get easier to find and cheaper, they'll be a big help in making all kinds of branded stuff more green.

Circular Production Models

The usual way of making things wastes a lot of resources. Circular production is a smarter way that turns trash into something useful again. This approach could change the game for keeping things green.

Here's what's happening in circular production:

  • Recycled materials like PET and nylon come from stuff like plastic bottles and old carpets. Using recycled stuff cuts down on waste and pollution.
  • Renewable energy sources such as sunlight and wind help factories make goods without using dirty fossil fuels.
  • Water recycling systems clean and reuse dirty water for making things, which saves a lot of fresh water and keeps pollution down.

As more companies start using circular production, we'll see less waste and more use of clean energy and recycled materials in making promotional items.

Continued Innovation

To really make the promotional products industry green, we need to keep coming up with new ideas. Here are some areas where more work is needed:

  • Biodegradable materials that can break down on their own without polluting the earth.
  • Advanced renewable energy like paint that can turn sunlight into electricity, to help get rid of fossil fuels.
  • IoT tracking solutions that let us see in real time how making and moving products affects the environment.
  • Circular product designs that are made to last, can be fixed easily, and are made with safe, green materials.

With ongoing work in new materials and smarter ways to make things, the future of promotional items looks both creative and green.


Making things to give away, like cups or pens with a brand's name on them, can hurt the environment. This happens because making these items can create a lot of waste, use up important resources, and pollute the air and water. But there are ways to do this without harming the planet. We can use materials that are kind to the Earth, like bamboo, organic cotton, and recycled plastics. Also, we can make these items in a way that uses less energy and is safer for people.

Stitchi helps make this process easy from start to finish. They help pick out materials that are good for the Earth, make sure the companies making the items are doing it in a green way, and use smart shipping methods to keep the planet healthy.

Sometimes, making things in an eco-friendly way can cost more money or be hard to find the right materials. But Stitchi finds good deals on green materials and works with over 50 companies that also want to protect the Earth. This helps businesses make and sell eco-friendly items without too much trouble.

Looking ahead, there are new kinds of materials and ways to make things that could help even more. Scientists are working on creating materials from plants, mushrooms, and in labs that don't hurt the environment. Also, there are new ways to make and recycle items so that we use less and waste less.

In short, it's totally possible to make promotional items that are good for the planet. By choosing the right materials and ways to make things, and using new technologies, businesses can make items that show off their brand and help the Earth at the same time. Working with Stitchi, brands can find all they need to make cool, eco-friendly items that fit their creative and green goals.

What is an example of a company focusing on sustainability?

Patagonia really cares about being green. They make clothes that last a long time using materials that are better for the planet, like recycled and organic stuff. They also encourage people to fix their gear instead of throwing it away.

How does Gucci promote sustainability?

Gucci is working hard to be more eco-friendly with its Equilibrium Programme. They're cutting down on pollution, reducing waste, choosing materials that are better for the environment, and supporting causes that help the planet and people.

How do you make merchandise sustainable?

Here's how to make items in a way that's kinder to the planet:

  • Get everything you need from one place.
  • Use materials that have been used before.
  • Pick materials that are officially eco-friendly.
  • Use natural stuff like organic cotton, hemp, linen, and modal.
  • Stick to one material if possible, so it's easier to recycle.
  • Make things that last out of mixed materials.

What is sustainable merchandising?

Sustainable merchandising means making and selling things in a way that doesn't harm the environment. This includes choosing eco-friendly materials and production methods, and thinking about how to reduce harm from start to finish. The idea is to make sure we don't use up resources or harm the planet in a way that future generations can't fix.

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