Published Oct 11, 2024 ⦁ 9 min read
6 Inventory Optimization Tips for Custom Merch

6 Inventory Optimization Tips for Custom Merch

Want to boost profits and keep customers happy? Optimize your custom merch inventory. Here's how:

  1. Use demand forecasting
  2. Apply ABC analysis
  3. Try Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory
  4. Improve storage and organization
  5. Use inventory management software
  6. Use modular design for custom products

Quick comparison:

Tip Main Benefit Difficulty
Demand forecasting Reduces overstocking Medium
ABC analysis Focuses on high-value items Easy
JIT inventory Lowers holding costs Hard
Better storage Improves access Easy
Inventory software Enables real-time tracking Medium
Modular design Increases flexibility Medium

These strategies can cut safety stock by 13% and boost revenue by 40%. Plus, they save over 20 hours a week on manual tasks.

Ready to dive in? Let's explore each tip in detail.

Use Demand Forecasting

Demand forecasting is a game-changer for custom merch businesses. It's about predicting what your customers will want and when.

What is Demand Forecasting?

It's using data to guess future sales. For custom merch, this means looking at:

  • Past sales trends
  • Market conditions
  • Customer behavior

How to Make Good Forecasts

1. Collect the right data

Track these:

Metric Why It Matters
Historical sales Shows past demand
SKU velocity How fast products sell
Inventory turnover Stock management efficiency
Average order value Helps predict revenue
Return rate Impacts actual sales
Stockout rate Shows missed sales

2. Use multiple methods

Don't stick to one approach. Mix:

  • Number crunching (stats)
  • Expert opinions and market research

3. Keep it fresh

Markets change fast. Update your forecasts often.

Why Forecasting Helps

Good forecasting means:

  • Less cash tied up in stock
  • Fewer empty shelves
  • Smarter buying decisions

"We cut excess stock by 30% and boosted order fulfillment from 85% to 98%. All in six months", says Sarah Chen from CustomTees.

This shows how forecasting can work for custom merch businesses.

Pro tip: For seasonal items, check last year's data. A store might expect a 5% bump in Thanksgiving merch based on past years and current trends.

2. Apply ABC Analysis to Custom Products

ABC analysis helps you sort products by value and sales. It's a smart way to manage inventory and focus on what really matters.

What is ABC Analysis?

ABC analysis splits your products into three groups:

Category % of Products % of Revenue
A 20% 80%
B 30% 15%
C 50% 5%

This method comes from the Pareto Principle: 20% of your efforts often lead to 80% of your results.

How to Group Products

  1. List all products
  2. Calculate value (annual sales x cost)
  3. Rank products from highest to lowest value
  4. Group into A, B, C
  5. Adjust inventory

A items? Keep well-stocked and check often. B items? Monitor regularly. C items? Order less and check less often.

Here's a real example:

CustomTees, a t-shirt printing company, used ABC analysis on their 180 designs:

  • A items: 36 designs (20%) = 80% of sales
  • B items: 54 designs (30%) = 15% of sales
  • C items: 90 designs (50%) = 5% of sales

What did they do? They boosted A item stock by 25%, kept B items steady, and cut C item stock by 40%.

The result? They slashed costs by 15% and bumped up order fulfillment from 92% to 98% in just 3 months.

"ABC analysis showed us where to focus. We stopped wasting money on slow-moving designs and put that cash into our best sellers", says Lisa Chen, CustomTees founder.

Pro tip: Review your ABC groups every quarter. Products can shift categories as trends change.

3. Try Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory

JIT inventory can slash costs and boost efficiency for custom merch businesses. Here's the lowdown:

What is JIT?

JIT means getting stock only when you need it. For custom merch, this looks like:

  • Ordering materials as orders come in
  • Making products on-demand
  • Keeping minimal stock on hand

How to Use JIT

1. Track sales data

Use your POS system to forecast demand.

2. Find reliable suppliers

Build strong relationships with quick-delivery vendors.

3. Invest in inventory software

Get a system that syncs with your POS for real-time tracking.

4. Start small

Test JIT with a few products before going all-in.

5. Train your team

Ensure everyone's on board with the new process.

Here's a real-world example:

"When I just ordered as much as I knew I needed, it freed up a lot of my office space as I didn't have a lot of unordered products just sitting around", says Joe Bass, CEO of Good Promotional Products.

JIT isn't all roses, though. Check out these pros and cons:

Pros Cons
Lower inventory costs Risk of stockouts
Better cash flow Needs reliable suppliers
Less waste Requires accurate forecasting
More agile business Vulnerable to supply chain issues

Pro tip: Keep some safety stock for your best-sellers. This helps you avoid stockouts if demand suddenly spikes.

JIT works best when you have:

  • Steady, predictable demand
  • Quick turnaround times
  • Strong supplier relationships

For custom merch businesses, JIT can be a game-changer. But it takes careful planning to get it right.


4. Improve Storage and Organization

Good storage and organization are crucial for a smooth-running custom merch business. Here's how to keep your inventory in check:

Best Storage Methods

Store your merch in a cool, dry place to prevent damage. Use sturdy metal shelves for heavy items and wood for lighter goods. Clear plastic bins with labels help you see what's inside. And don't forget to use vertical space - tall shelves are your friend.

Sorting and Labeling

Group similar items together and use color-coded labels for different product types. Barcodes can speed up scanning items in and out. Don't forget to mark shelves and bins with easy-to-read labels.

Using FIFO

FIFO (First In, First Out) is a must-have for custom merch. It keeps your inventory fresh and helps you use older stock first. Here's how to do it:

  1. Date everything when it arrives
  2. Put new items at the back of shelves or bins
  3. Train your team to grab from the front first
FIFO Benefits How to Achieve
Fresher stock Date all items
Less waste Use oldest first
Better tracking Regular stock checks

"FIFO stock rotation ensures product freshness and improves inventory valuation." - Shopify

Want a pro tip? Use gravity flow racks. New stock goes in the back, old stock rolls to the front. It's FIFO made easy.

5. Use Inventory Management Software

Managing custom merch inventory can be a headache. But here's the thing: good inventory software can make your life a whole lot easier.

Why? It gives you a real-time view of your stock. You can see what's flying off the shelves and what's gathering dust. Plus, it helps you make smarter buying decisions.

Take SkuNexus, for example. They offer real-time tracking that keeps businesses in the know about stock levels. No more running out of hot items or getting stuck with stuff that won't sell.

But it's not just about tracking. The best tools play well with your other business software. This means less time spent on data entry and fewer mistakes.

Here's a real-world example:

Graeter's Ice Cream used SkuNexus to step up their game. The software automated key processes like order routing and dry ice calculations. The result? Better efficiency and consistent product quality across their operations.

Benefit Impact
Accuracy Fewer stock count errors
Time-saving Less manual work
Cost reduction Smarter stocking
Better decisions Data-driven choices

"Customization is crucial for inventory accuracy, efficiency, and responsiveness." - SkuNexus Team

When picking software, look for:

  • Real-time tracking
  • Purchase order management
  • Supplier management
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Integration with other systems

And don't forget to:

  1. Try before you buy
  2. Check if it fits your workflow
  3. Consider support, scalability, and security

The right inventory software isn't just a tool - it's a game-changer for your custom merch business.

6. Use Modular Design for Custom Products

Modular design can supercharge your custom merch business. It's like building with LEGO bricks - you create standard parts that can be mixed and matched to make different products.

Here's how it works:

  1. Break your products into common components
  2. Standardize these across product lines
  3. Set up a system for easy assembly and customization

Take a t-shirt company, for example:

Component Options
Base shirt Colors, sizes
Front design Various prints
Back design Various prints
Sleeve design Different options

This setup lets you create tons of combinations without stocking every single variation.

Why is this smart?

  • Faster production
  • Lower inventory costs
  • Easy customization
  • Quick problem-solving

IKEA nails this approach. Their modular furniture can be assembled in different ways, offering variety while keeping inventory in check.

"Modular design lets you quickly spot and fix problems. If something goes wrong, you can identify and replace the faulty module without stopping everything."


Optimizing inventory for custom merchandise isn't a one-time task. It's an ongoing process that needs your attention and flexibility. Let's recap the six key strategies we've covered:

Tip Benefit
Demand Forecasting Less overstocking and stockouts
ABC Analysis Focus on high-value items
Just-in-Time Inventory Lower holding costs
Improved Storage Better access and product quality
Inventory Management Software Real-time tracking and data analysis
Modular Design More flexibility, less complexity

Here's the kicker: businesses that optimize their inventory can cut safety stock by about 13%. That means lower costs and better cash flow.

And get this: retailers using inventory optimization tools make 40% more revenue on average. They also save over 20 hours a week on manual tasks. That's the power of smart strategies and the right tech.

Want to keep improving? Make inventory optimization a regular habit:

  • Do monthly or quarterly audits
  • Keep an eye on key metrics like turnover rates
  • Adjust your approach as the market changes

By staying on top of your inventory, you'll meet customer needs better, cut costs, and grow your business.

"Good storage doesn't just protect products. It boosts efficiency." - Robert Fisher, Thrive Screen Printing

Fisher's right. Don't overlook the basics like storage. Every part of inventory management matters.

Keep fine-tuning your approach. You'll see the results in happier customers, healthier profits, and a stronger business.


How to maximize inventory?

Want to get the most out of your custom merch inventory? Here's how:

  1. Predict demand: Look at past sales and market trends.
  2. Keep a safety buffer: Don't get caught off guard by sudden spikes.
  3. Set reorder points: Know exactly when to stock up.
  4. Count regularly: Make sure your numbers match reality.
  5. Watch each item: Keep tabs on what's hot and what's not.
  6. Spread it out: Use multiple warehouses for faster shipping.
  7. Use smart software: Get real-time updates on your stock.

Which statistical method is commonly used for inventory optimization in supply chain analytics?

ABC analysis is the go-to method. It's like sorting your merch into three piles:

Category What it means % of Inventory % of Sales
A Your top sellers 20% 80%
B Middle of the pack 30% 15%
C The slow movers 50% 5%

Why use ABC analysis? It helps you:

  • Focus on what matters most
  • Manage each group differently
  • Balance stock and customer happiness

"ABC analysis helps us prioritize our custom merch inventory. We keep a closer eye on our best-selling designs, ensuring we never run out of those high-demand items." - Robert Fisher, Founder and CEO of Thrive Screen Printing

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